
Love / Hate

How do you feel about cold weather?

I love cold weather on the condition that the heating system isn’t on too high that I sweat everywhere I go. I also love the white winter scenery when snow covers the ground in a white coat of innocence.  However,  I also hate how dirty a house becomes from melting snow, salt, slush, and mud.

My poetry book, Perfectly Flawed poetry for change, is available on all eplatforms including Amazon. It was on the finalist list for the Canadian Book Club Awards 2023.


Award of Excellence,  for my poem: The Beauty of Morning

What an honor it is for my poetry to be appreciated.  I’m always astounded and happily surprised that administrators enjoy my work. 

My poetry book, Perfectly Flawed poetry for change, is available on all eplatforms including Amazon. It was on the finalist list for the Canadian Book Club Awards 2023.


Lone Beauty,  my poem up for publication

Literary Cocktail Magazine has accepted to publish my poem, Lone Beauty,  in their next issue.  I’m honored to be featured in their publication.

My poetry book, Perfectly Flawed poetry for change, is available on all eplatforms including Amazon.  It was on the finalist list for the Canadian Book Club Awards 2023.


5 favorite fruits

List your top 5 favorite fruits.

My 5 favorite fruits:

Mango, pineapple,  and papaya as each one reminds me of my childhood in Ghana.  Plus, their sweet flavor and juicy flavors always leave a wondrous taste in your mouth. Apples are my go to fruit, I love the crunch, sweet and tangy combination that makes you salivate for more.  Finally, oranges are a reminder of my grandmother’s, mother, and mother-in-law  who all enjoyed eating them.

So which is my favorite? It’s a mood thing. I believe my mood dictates my preferences,  very much like when I’m craving chocolate!

My poetry book, Perfectly Flawed poetry for change, is available on all eplatforms including Amazon.  It was on the finalist list for the Canadian Book Club Awards 2023.


Certificate of Astounding, poem theme: abuse


When aggression reigns
People’s solidarity feigns
Peace to give rise to new
Violence that undermines a few.

Women and children being
Weaker are in danger of prying
Away their self-worth with words’
Derogatory punches that blows …

Blows that rain down like
A thundstorm of screams that aren’t fake,
But rather, breaks ensue
That take eons to heal in a pew.

Escape is sometimes the only
Way to endure this period of powerfully
Oppressive, and subjugated conditions
That requires succor from the perfections

Of a society whose aim is self preservation,
And where victims of violence live in perdition.

©️Malak kalmoni chehab ©️

My poetry book, Perfectly Flawed poetry for change, is available on all eplatforms including Amazon.  It was on the finalist list for the Canadian Book Club Awards 2023.


Rights: home

What does freedom mean to you?

To me, freedom equals having a home and family that endure under the obstacles of life. When I say home, I mean the people who occupy the house, family unit that could be related by blood or not. It’s one of those rights that give emotional and physical security in order to be ambitious in life and strive to improve your material or social status. Yes, that is a very colonial perspective,  but then I witnessed 2 civil wars as a child, lived in 3 continents,  all before I turned 12. Perhaps colonialism also taught me to appreciate my home because I had to rebuild it so many times in my 5 decades plus of life.


Where is home?
What is home?

These questions circle
Ceaselessly and kindle

The quest for answers for:
Where and what is home for?

I’ve immigrated to three
Continents searching for thee.

Why do you hide from me?
Why do you flee and oblige me

To search you out in lands gone mad?
How is that fair on a child who feels bad?

From the tropics to the Mediterranean,
To North America, in search of what you mean.

The child in me
Misses the simplicity of love,

Laughter that is innate,
But shaken with wars and fate,

That take away all joy and faith
In a moment of stolen breath.

Embrace the joy you’re given,
For tomorrow may bring hell or heaven.

©️Malak Kalmoni Chehab ©️

Poetess,  author of poetry book, Perfectly Flawed poetry for change, that’s available on all eplatforms including Amazon.  It was on the finalist list for the Canadian Book Club Awards 2023.


Review of my poem:

Break the Mold

Double Accrostic

Break out! Break the mold!
Remember to be  you       Me
Even when the going        gEts tough
Are you able to stand         kNowing
Kings entertainers         athleTes professionals

The fame all                 encompAssing never fails
Heading into disaster                 Losing self-respect
Even before showing your true colors.

Steadfast strong never          Holding back
Training accepting inevitability                     Employing
Ingenuity to excell in the face of    Adversity
Gleaning the training necessary Leaving nothing
Motivating growth to keep the          Team from
Annihilation by being the weak link Holding them back.

©️ Malak kalmoni chehab ©️

My poetry book, Perfectly Flawed poetry for change, is available on all eplatforms including Amazon.  It was on the finalist list for the Canadian Book Club Awards 2023.


High Park, Toronto

On Sunday,  we went to High Park in Toronto in order to get a peak at the cherry Blossoms. It was disappointing to see that 80% of the flowers had fallen already, but the Park was full of families, bikers, teens, all out in the sun, watching nature around us. Among the beauty that captured my imagination was this beautiful bird: Red winged black bird, Agelaius, difficult to pronounce for sure, but an Astoundingly beautiful bird with red and yellow wings contrasting starkly with the ebony black of the bird’s body. The only way for me to have been able to capture it in flight was to take a video and screenshot the pictures I wanted,  then zoom.

I had such a great time, walked/ hiked the trail with my cousin, then had lunch. The weather was a beautiful spring day with very little wind and hot sun, no jacket needed. Highly recommend a visit. Below is a picture from a Google search, clearly showing the different colors in the wing.

My poetry book, Perfectly Flawed poetry for change, is available on all eplatforms including Amazon. It was on the finalist list for the Canadian Book Club Awards 2023.


Certificate of Achievement,  May’s Spring

My poem received the above certificate of achievement.

May’s Spring

My eyes are always turned to the sky,
Where beauty and simplicity vie
For supremacy in an empty spacy.

Birds of all kinds fly by, flocking,  migrating,
Setting new habits for their chicks’ living
Quarters that are overflowing with forests, changing
With each new flock that’s arriving.
Live honoring nature’s power,
Its giving nature that is a bower
Of safety when you need a lover
Without motives, who is only a supporter.

Embrace your brethren in humanity,
Their races receding into the vicinity
Of acceptance,  that all Man is emotionally
And physically the same, all have red blood.

Feelings, passions, and red flowing blood
Saunter into each’s body in a flood
Of confusion that needs sorting and bud,
Swamping everyone with a unique personage.

Burgeon into your character,
Let your wings flutter,
Soar like a flower petal as the breezer
Tries to alter your course, but you are its conqueror.
©️ Malak kalmoni chehab ©️

My poetry book, Perfectly Flawed poetry for change, is available on all eplatforms, including Amazon.  It was on the finalist list for the Canadian Book Club Awards 2023.



Do you have a quote you live by or think of often?

Yes, we have an Arabic saying: ‘Pretend not to notice, live longer and refreshed.” For me, it’s the perfect moto to live by or go to when put in a situation where you don’t want to debase yourself to the level of ignorance or stupidity of those around you.  This especially applies to family relationships,  where it’s easier to ignore comments or actions that could lead to arguments,  even confrontations. However,  when you know that person will  not be logical,  but rather unmoving in their opinion,  it’s simpler to drop the subject altogether.

My poetry book, Perfectly Flawed poetry for change, is available on all eplatforms, including Amazon.  It was on the finalist list for the Canadian Book Club Awards 2023.